Is the Experience Music Project worth visiting?
JT Diver
2005-12-18 23:32:11 UTC
I'm going to be in Seattle and want to know if anyone recommends this as a place to visit while I'm there.
One answer:
2005-12-18 23:39:06 UTC
It's pretty cool if you're into music. I actually recommend going it alone and renting the little headphone thing they have - it's less than $10, I think, and you can point the scanner at all the exhibits and hear samples. This adds a lot of depth to things like the history of guitars - though, if you're there with someone else, it makes for a rather antisocial museum visit.

Also, the science fiction museum next door is tiny but neat. If you're a geek, go. If not, you might want to give it a pass; it's very, very small for what it is, but a lot of the stuff they have is neat.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.