does all the rain in seattle have any pros?
2006-03-06 13:20:13 UTC
does all the rain in seattle have any pros?
Six answers:
2006-03-06 14:45:59 UTC
We don't call Washington the Evergreen State for nothing! Seriouosly, all that Seattle rain is good for the lakes, rivers, rhododendrons, tulips, and mossy yards. We don't have to heat our apartment so much in winter or cool it in summer because the weather is so mild.
2006-03-06 23:50:36 UTC
Beautiful! I always thought flowers needed alot of sunshine to be beautiful, not so in Seattle, the flowers and rest of landscape are gorgeous.

2006-03-09 20:59:24 UTC
Yes- it's very green (lots of trees), you don't need to water your lawn as much, and the rain keeps the pollution down.
2006-03-10 06:08:53 UTC
Yes, you learn to really appriciate the nice days.
2006-03-06 21:30:04 UTC
Yes, lots of vegetation.
2006-03-12 09:16:15 UTC
No Dust, Don't have to wsh your car, GOD no there is no PROS, its depressing all this green and grey!!!

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