What's a good place to eat in Seattle?
2006-03-02 17:22:59 UTC
I'm looking for both lunch and dinner places. Is there a good place at the Pike Place Market for lunch?
Two answers:
2006-03-04 02:28:14 UTC
There are too many great place to eat at the market :)

You can sit down at Emmett's Oyster Bar or Copacabana (or about 20 others), or just graze at the various street vendors and shops--a chicken thigh here, a pint of berries there, mini doughnuts down that way, and Market Spice Tea to wash it down!
2006-03-03 01:31:39 UTC
Well, if you are thirsty there is a Starbucks on nearly every corner. Thai Tungs is my favorite and it is not too far from a fun comedy shop. I hope you have a nice time. Space needle is overrated.

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