How warm is the weather in Seattle? Does it have mild winters?
2005-12-10 12:49:53 UTC
How warm is the weather in Seattle? Does it have mild winters?
Two answers:
2005-12-13 10:42:13 UTC
Winters are relatively mild, meaning that it's rare to get snow. And if it does snow, it doesn't hang around long. BUT -- with the location right on Elliott Bay, Seattle can feel cold due to dampness.

Summers here are spectacular. Usually after July 4th the days bring bright blue skies, no humidity, no bugs (yea!) and temps in the high 70's to mid-80's. There is usually one week that it gets "uncomfortable," which means temps in the 90's.
ace misha
2005-12-11 00:10:28 UTC
Seattle's winters are relatively mild compared with the rest of the country. Daytime highs are about 45 degrees and lows are 35.

On the other hand, summers are mind also with highs of 75 and lows of 55.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.